
Posts Tagged ‘new blogger’


blogosphere1 by DaveBleasdale blogosphere1, a photo by DaveBleasdale on Flickr

I apologize.  I was a bit overwhelmed yesterday.  I think I was suffering from Blogosphere Over Exposure.   Such exposure can result in feelings of inadequacy, failure, and retreat.  Discontinuing exposure has led to improved mood and appetite (ok, my appetite is really only ever affected by the emptiness of my stomach…oh!  Random thought – we had yummy yummy authentic Mexican last night – so sad it took us 8 years to travel the half mile to try it!)

Sure, a fat publishing contract and movie rights are the dream, but what I really want it is to try my hand at something I have always thought about doing.  And when I say I want to try writing a novel, the key word is try.  I cannot measure this adventure in words typed, chapters outlined, or characters developed.  Rather, enjoying the journey, learning new things, and engaging reader(s) will be the yard stick.  Thanks Carol, for showing me that joy.

And so, I will buy the book on writing a novel.

And I will write.  Time to put proverbial pen to paper and just enjoy doing that.

So, to take a lesson from our Mexican dinner last night, I will not wait any longer to give this a good old college try.  Gosh – that all came full circle nicely…honestly, the dinner comment above was just a random thought!

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Somewhere, within the 10 steps to creating a blog, it was recommended that new bloggers “befriend” other similar bloggers.  Ok, good.  I have direction – Find Other Bloggers!  Or, as my husband just said,  “Are you still surfing the blogernet?”.

Direction by 23am.comDirection, a photo by 23am.com on Flickr.

I understand that connecting with other writers on their own personal journey to COMPLETING A NOVEL can be inspiring, educational, and supportive.


It hasn’t.  I feel very much alone in what I  discovered is an enormous ocean of writers.  I have also discovered:

  1. Not all of them are good writers, or at least not great blog writers. But then self-doubt creeps in and I wonder, perhaps the truth is that I don’t know what good writing is?!?!
  2. Many have been at this a LONG time already.  “I have 4 novels completed and am working on the fifth”,  “I am having my second novel published and finishing the edits on my other 5”, and my favorite “I have been writing since I was four.”    Is this not a community for newbies?
  3. Sure, some say they have full-time day jobs and are working on their dream of writing a novel in the odd hours of the day…but that day job for most is writing!  Maybe I should start a support group for those of us with what is amounting to a crazy pipe dream.
  4. Acronyms rule every world – business and creative.  Those acronyms make outsiders feel, well, like outsiders.  Maybe I’ll throw some business acronyms around in my blog so people start wondering what it is they don’t get.
  5. I am more likely to play in the NBA than have a bestselling novel.  Do these odds apply to females – as in it would be even harder for us than men to hit the NY Times list?

Good thing I ordered a book to get me started on this journey.  Too bad I was too cheap to just buy it last night and now have to wait 3-14 business days for enlightenment.

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As my husband just said, I could have written my first chapter in the amount of time I have spent trying to set up this blog…and although I am not a complete perfectionist, my type A personality really wants to play, err, work on this blog some more.  My goal with this blog is to chronicle my attempt to write a novel.   I like the idea of being accountable to someone, even if it ends up just being my mom, who will probably be my only follower.

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